Cash Flow is the Core

Investing is very important to make sure that your assets do not lose value over time to inflation. Leaving your assets in cash, will lose value over time becuase inflation will cause the price of things to go up faster than the cash will generate interest. Before you can invest though, you need to make sure you understand your cash flow so that you know how much you need each year to pay for your lifestyle and to know how much you can save for the long-term. 

Having a good handle on your personal cash flow is at the core of being able to build your financial life so that you can live the life you want to live. The best way to have a good handle on your personal cash flow is to understand what you are spending your money on each month. Below is what to do in order to start tracking and understanding where your cash goes each month:

If you have questions or comments, please reach out to us at We are happy to help you work through this. If you would like to have us work through your transactions and put together an analysis of your spending, let us know!